Thursday 2 September 2010

Preparations, preparations

I wonder how people sometimes get the idea 'ooh, let's go traveling!' and then just pack their bags and go. None of that for me. I'm happy I quit my job one week before take-off. I thought I'd have a bit of a relaxing week, slowly adapting to the idea of not having to go to work every day and step by step trying to get some sleep in order to be completely healthy when I leave. But to be honest, i don't see that happen anymore. My weekend started perfectly with a birthday present from my friends and in the evening a beautiful wedding of one of my colleagues (correction: ex-colleague by now). On Sunday I had (no secrets here) quite a heavy head and had to go to a family dinner. In the evening i was broken and almost dead and thought I'd be able to have a nice sleep-in, but ahhh what was i thinking? This whole week is packed with moving, visiting friends and family to say goodbye -apparently that's something I'm not very good at -, trying to at least get some sleep and not get ill, think about all the last-minute stuff,... To be honest I have to say that sometimes it gets a bit over my head and i wish i was already flying and needn't worry about the paperwork (or nothing, for that matter) anymore. But hey, who am I to complain: at least I am the one who's really saying 'ooh, let's go traveling' and packs their bags - even though it's not just in a finger snap :-). World, here I come!


  1. ... and I'll be waiting! :-)

  2. preparation can be hard, ... even for the fathers ! Hay, Marianello, all the best in NZ, AUS and Asia, and ... take good care of yourself ! Love U

  3. Hey Schattie !!
    Al aangekomen ondertussen?! Hoe bevalt het je daar? Veel schade door de aardbeving?
    Ben benieuwd naar je (ongetwijfeld) straffe stoten :-)! Smak! Isa
